Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Nursing from India Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Nursing from India - Article ExampleI was born and brought up in India and had my schooling through with(p) in a small town with not many things to speak great about. The most passionate thing I used to enjoy in my childhood was helping sick and old people in my neighborhood. I studied bachelor of Chemistry but could not complete my final course of study as something came up home unexpectedly. Later I worked in Canada for nearly seven years since my marriage but always longed for becoming a keep back by profession. There is a specific reason how my ambition to become a doctor was altered soon. I began looking forward to becoming a nurse as my mother-in-law who was living in Cedar City got bedridden all of a sudden. I was the sole individual to take pity of her that age and I did my duty well enjoying the real pleasure of nursing for the first time. I had already applied for pursuing my studies in the United States as an transnational student. My mother-in-law getting con tented with my humble service advised me to attain the noble career of a nurse. She told me that it was the profession that would par with my excellence and therefore she wanted to try me doing that godly service. Although I have Canadian citizenship, presently I am in the U.S. as an international student looking forward to my becoming a nurse. To my hunch-I had this obsession in my heart since my early childhood though I was not able to comprehend my feelings well that time. It is true that my mother-in-laws advice imbued me with great panache to follow this career. I believe that enrolling in ----------University would be the initial step toward this quest. I am greatly impressed with the peaceful ambiance and learning milieu of the University as a whole. I am little skeptical of the benefit I would derive from the course and from the eminent faculties here. I am well aware of the significance of nursing in an increasingly diverse society in multi-cultural nations these days. Since culturally competent care has become one of the dimensions of specialization for health care practitioners, I should acquire extensive knowledge about varying cultural perspectives of people of different segments.

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