Saturday, August 31, 2019

Attitude Legislation And Litigation Education Essay

Provision of instruction in the current universe has been faced with many challenges particularly sing the equality issues in the society. This paper addresses the societal deductions of attitude, statute law and judicial proceeding on the lives of pupils with disablements. Introduction Over the old ages, handicapped people in the society have been forced to populate with many challenges sing their handicapped position. Disabled people have several jobs in footings of motion, instruction and many other societal activities as they are non able to take part and be able to be involved in these activities. The instruction sector has non been left out as the handicapped pupils are faced with many challenges in larning compared to their fellow pupils who are non disabled. The society has been forced to come up with ways in which the handicappeds can be given discriminatory intervention and services compared to the other members of the society through debut of statute law and extenuations to regulate the instruction of the handicapped. For the past old ages, the services given to people with disablement particularly in the instruction sector have been uneffective as a consequence of several grounds that cause hapless service bringing to the disabled in the particular instruction sector. Fiscal issue has been a major hinderance in proviso of services in the particular instruction sector as there have been issues of fewer financess allocated to this sector. There is besides a job sing logistics as the aid and services offered by several bureaus require a batch of attempt for them to move and give the necessary aid needed ( Gordon, 2004 p.72-89 ) . The attitude of people towards people with disablements has several impacts on the lives of the people populating with disablements. The handicapped have been forced to populate with the impacts of negative societal attitude towards them and a farther societal stigma apart from the larger job they are confronting sing their mental or physical hindrances as a consequence of their disablement. The negative attitude towards people with disablements can be seen through societal rejection of handicapped people by the society members a frailty that is present across several civilizations. Peoples with disablements have several more demands than that of a normal individual and therefore there is development of a impression in the society that people with disablements are a load to the society. This factor helps nature the negative attitude towards people with disablements in the society. This negative attitude impacts negatively on the lives of pupils with disablements as it makes them see themselves as a load to the society from their many demands and furthers the societal stigma these pupils are faced with a factor that impacts negatively on their instruction. Attitude towards people with disablement has been negatively displayed through several civilizations that see mental deceleration as psyches that are possessed by evil liquors or punished by God and therefore require spiritual intercessions or dispossession. Such attitudes vested in the heads of people impacts negatively on their attitude towards the disabled as they are forced to see the handicapped as less human existences and farther the societal stigma faced by people with disablement ( Gordon, 2004 p.72-89 ) Students without disablement have negative societal response to other pupils with disablements particularly the mentally retarded as a consequence O f their negative attitude towards them despite the several steps that have been developed to change this that include legislative support, improved attention and the improved and sophisticated ways to give a medical history of the beginning of different disablements. The fact that disabled pupils were treated otherwise from the other pupils by debut of particular instruction that was chiefly provided in particular schoolrooms or even particular schools a fact that furthered the stigma among the handicapped pupils as these meant they were non equal to their opposite numbers who are non disabled ( Ramirez ) . Provision of instruction to the handicapped pupils has become a major challenge to different authoritiess and provinces. Educators have been faced with challenges of how best they can supply instruction to the handicapped and has seen the debut of particular instruction that meant that handicapped pupils were non included in schoolrooms with other able pupils and meant arrangement in separate schoolrooms or schools. The societal attitude that the handicapped pupils should be treated individually as a consequence of their disablement is wholly incorrect and it discouraged the formation of Torahs that would regulate the general instruction of exceeding pupils or handicapped pupils on the footing that dividing the pupils with disablements from those who are non disabled is far from doing them equal and that all the pupils had equal protection from the jurisprudence. The thought that the handicapped pupils should be separated from their fellow pupils has greatly changed as a consequence inequality that consequences from this action and hence there was demand to develop the statute laws and judicial proceedings that govern the instruction of pupils with disablements ( Ramirez, 2003 p. 12 ) . Several opinions against segregation by the United States Supreme Court set the gait in the hunt for equality in the instruction sector that included people with disablement. The celebrated Fourteen Amendment provides the right to equal instruction for any member of the province and no province may deny equal right to education to any individual within its legal power. Students with disablements have a right to equal instruction like their nondisabled opposite numbers as provided by the jurisprudence. The proviso of particular instruction that was ab initio provided outside the regular schoolroom is now provided in the regular schoolroom and there is no separation of the handicapped pupils from the schoolroom hence they learn together a system referred to as inclusion ( Ramirez, 2003 p. 13 ) . Legislations and judicial proceedings have been passed to regulate the instruction of the handicapped pupils. The construct of particular instruction by the Congress as it passed an act that instruction would be provided for all the disabled kids and guaranteed the proviso of public instruction to all pupils irrespective of their ability which provided the footing for inclusive acquisition. It provided that every pupil was eligible to have appropriate public instruction and have the chance to larn in a no limitation environment. In inclusive acquisition, general instruction provided to pupils plants in cooperation with particular instruction with the chief purpose of proviso of quality instruction plans to the pupils irrespective of their disablement. Such statute laws provided that pupils with disablements both in public and private establishments would have instruction with the nondisabled pupils, there should be no particular categories, separate schooling and that no pupil should be removed in their categories unless the badness of the disablement hinders the proviso of instruction to that pupil wholly ( Ramirez, 2003 p. 12 ) . The inclusion of the handicapped pupils into mainstream categories with other chap nondisabled pupils has some positive and negative impacts to the pupils with disablement. Though we may state that the handicapped pupils benefit in this environment through societal and academic interaction with the other pupils, it is difficult to disregard the fact that they are forced to meet rough academic competition from their chap nondisabled pupils. The inclusion of the handicapped pupils in the same categories as the nondisabled pupils increases the force per unit area on both the instructor and the handicapped pupils to be at par with their chap nondisabled pupils and failure to make so may increase the stigma in the pupil. The current instruction clime may non prefer much the instruction and public presentation of certain disablement instances like the mentally retarded hence particular instruction will better flatly in the hereafter. Decision Students with disablement are faced with many challenges in life as a consequence of their disable position. Introduction of statute laws and judicial proceeding to regulate their instruction is a first positive measure in guaranting they benefit from instruction provided in establishments. Social forums and public instruction should besides be encouraged so as to assist alter the attitude of the society towards people with disablement hence bettering their lives.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Aggression & Nature/Innate Factors

  There is no simple or single entity which we can call aggression† (Stainton Rogers et al. 1995, p. 169). What does this statement mean and what are the implications for Psychological theories which attempt to explain aggression?  Aggression is part of every person's personality. For each individual at some point of our lives, we tend to be aggressive towards another person or towards the situation. There is no simple or single entity which we can call aggression† (Stainton Rogers et al. 1995, p. 169). There are several psychological theories which explains aggression these can be a result of nature, environmental factors and social factors.  Nature/Innate Factors:  Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis. In his early theory, Freud asserts that human behaviors are motivated by sexual and instinctive drives known as the libido, which is energy derived from the Eros, or life instinct .Thus, the repression of such libidinal urges is displayed as aggression (A lexandra K. Smith, 1999 In the Oedipus complex, a boy is fixated on his mother and competes with his father for maternal attention.The opposite, the attraction of a girl to her father and rivalry with her mother, is sometimes called the Electra complex. ( came to the conclusion that humans have not one but two primary instincts. He called the life-favoring instinct Eros, one of the Greek words for â€Å"love,† and the death instinct Thanatos, the Greek word for â€Å"death.† (Beyond the Pleasure Principle. New York: Norton, 1960).Another theory about aggression is Konrad Lorenz's instinctual aggression.Lorenz examined herring gulls and other territorial birds. They defend their territory( their food & breeding source ) by aggression using fixed action patterns, elicited by sign stimuli.The build up of internal forces did not seem to play a role in the theory. Aggression is an instinct , serving territoriality, elicited by biologically relevant signs, is automatic, and difficult to inhibit out with certain biologically based sign inhibitors (, p. 2).Environmental Factors:Identification with the aggressor which is defined as   version of introjection that focuses on the adoption, not of general or positive traits, but of negative or feared traits. If you are afraid of someone, you can partially conquer that fear by becoming more like them (Dr. C. George Boeree, 1997 To cite an example is the Stockholm Syndrome.A woman named Patty Hearst was capture by a small group of self -proclaimed revolutionaries called the Symbionese Liberation Army. She was kept in closets, mistreated and even raped. Yet she decided to join her captors , making little propaganda videos for them and even waving a machine gun around during a bank robbery.When she was later tried, psychologists strongly suggested she was a victim, n ot a criminal. She was nevertheless convicted of bank robbery and sentenced to 7 years in prison. Her sentence was commuted by President Carter after 2 years ( (Dr. C. George Boeree, 1997  Citing this example we can relate that aggression is caused by the environmental factor that the aggressor created.The most well known drive theory of aggression is the frustration-aggression hypothesis proposed by a group of researchers at Yale led by John Dollard. He and his colleagues define frustration as â€Å"an interference with the occurrence of an instigated goal-response at its proper time in the behavioral sequence.†(Dollard, et. al. 1939, p.7)In this theory, frustration and aggression are linked in a cause and effect relationship. Frustration is the cause of aggression and aggression is the result of frustration.( Alexandra K. Smith,1999). The prison cell setting can be an example of this theory since inmates who are extremely frust rated can be more aggressive or commit more crimes.  Social Factors:Social learning theory focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context. It considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning, imitation, and modeling. Among others Albert Bandura is considered the leading proponent of this theory (Ormrod, J.E. (1999).General principles of social learning theory follows:1. People can learn by observing the behavior is of others and the outcomes of those behaviors.2. Learning can occur without a change in behavior. Behaviorists say that learning has to be represented by a permanent change in behavior, in contrast social learning theorists say that because people can learn through observation alone, their learning may not necessarily be shown in their performance. Learning may or may not result in a behavior change.3. Cognition plays a role in learning. Over the last 30 years social learning theory has become increasingly cogn itive in its interpretation of human learning. Awareness and expectations of future reinforcements or punishments can have a major effect on the behaviors that people exhibit4. Social learning theory can be considered a bridge or a transition between behaviorist learning theories and cognitive learning theories.(Ormrod, J.E. (1999).  The conclusion of this school of thought on aggression has been summed up: â€Å"Human aggression is a learned conduct that, like other forms of social behavior, is under stimulus, reinforcement, and cognitive control.†Ã‚   Bandura, Albert. The Social Learning Theory of Aggression. In R. A. Falk and S. S. Kim, (Eds.), The War System: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1980, p.146.   How the environment reinforces and punishes modeling:People are often reinforced for modeling the behavior of others. Bandura suggested that the environment also reinforces modeling. This is in several possible ways:1. The observer is rein forced by the model. For example a student who changes dress to fit in with a certain group of students has a strong likelihood of being accepted and thus reinforced by that group.2. The observer is reinforced by a third person. The observer might be modeling the actions of someone else, for example, an outstanding class leader or student. The teacher notices this and compliments and praises the observer for modeling such behavior thus reinforcing that behavior.3. The imitated behavior itself leads to reinforcing consequences. Many behaviors that we learn from others produce satisfying or reinforcing results. For example, a student in my multimedia class could observe how the extra work a classmate does is fun. This student in turn would do the same extra work and also receive enjoyment.4. Consequences of the model’s behavior affect the observers behavior vicariously. This is known as vicarious reinforcement. This is where in the model is reinforced for a response and then th e observer shows an increase in that same response.Bandura illustrated this by having students watch a film of a model hitting a inflated clown doll. One group of children saw the model being praised for such action. Without being reinforced, the group of children began to also hit the doll .Contemporary social learning perspective of reinforcement and punishment:1. Contemporary theory proposes that both reinforcement and punishment have indirect effects on learning. They are not the sole or main cause.2. Reinforcement and punishment influence the extent to which an individual exhibits a behavior that has been learned.3. The expectation of reinforcement influences cognitive processes that promote learning. Therefore attention pays a critical role in learning. And attention is influenced by the expectation of reinforcement. An example would be, where the teacher tells a group of students that what they will study next is not on the test. Students will not pay attention, because they do not expect to know the information for a test.Cognitive factors in social learning:Social learning theory has cognitive factors as well as behaviorist factors (actually operant factors).1. Learning without performance: Bandura makes a distinction between learning through observation and the actual imitation of what has been learned.2.Cognitive processing during learning: Social learning theorists contend that attention is a critical factor in learning.3. Expectations: As a result of being reinforced, people form expectations about the consequences that future behaviors are likely to bring. They expect certain behaviors to bring reinforcements and others to bring punishment. The learner needs to be aware however, of the response reinforcements and response punishment. Reinforcement increases a response only when the learner is aware of that connection.4. Reciprocal causation: Bandura proposed that behavior can influence both the environment and the person. In fact each of these th ree variables, the person, the behavior, and the environment can have an influence on each other.5. Modeling: There are different types of models. There is the live model, and actual person demonstrating the behavior. There can also be a symbolic model, which can be a person or action portrayed in some other medium, , such as television, videotape, computer programs. Ormrod, J.E. (1999).Given the three concepts on how aggression can be associated with, I have considered that we cannot conclude that one factor is the strongest among the three. Our lives are interrelated one way or another, our innate drives, environment, and social learning can be associated on how we respond to situations that can unleash aggression.References:Books:Beyond the Pleasure Principle. New York: Norton, 1960.Ormrod, J.E. ,1999.R. A. Falk and S. S. Kim, (Eds.), The War System: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1980, p.146.Stainton Rogers et al. 1995 p. 169Journal Articles:Dr. C. G eorge Boeree, 1997 K. Smith, 1999

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Gabriela Mistral’s, “Tiny Feet” Analysis Essay

A child’s tiny feet, Blue, blue with cold, How can they see and not protect you? Oh, my God! (1-4) Tiny wounded feet, Bruised all over by pebbles, Abused by snow and soil! (5-7) Man, being blind, ignores that where you step, you leave A blossom of bright light, that where you have placed your bleeding little soles a redolent tuberose grows. (8-13) Since, however, you walk through the streets so straight, you are courageous, without fault.(14-16) Child’s tiny feet, Two suffering little gems, How can the people pass, unseeing. (17-19) The poem â€Å"Tiny Feet† (1945) by Gabriela Mistral is a heart breaking poem that describes to us the lives of poverty-stricken children and the need for society to help and protect them. Mistral’s poems resulted from a life of tragedies that she, herself endured. When she was 3 years old, her father left home and never returned, leaving her mother and half-sister to raise her. Mistral was falsely accused of wasting classroom materials in school, and was unable to defend herself. She was then victimized by her peers when they threw stones at her and she was sent home to be taught by her half-sister. This was the first instance of injustice and human cruelty that she encountered which left a profound impression on her as a poet. She was determined to speak for the defenseless, humble and the poor. In the poem, her views are expressed as to how society ignores child poverty. The tone is sad at the beginning of the poem. Within the first stanza, Mistral explains the scene of the poem perfectly. Mistral presents the description of the barefooted feet of a little child, whom has no shoes in the following lines, â€Å"A child’s tiny feet, Blue, blue with cold† (1-2). She lets the reader know that the child is suffering in the cold with his painful, wounded feet, yet no one cares if he has shoes or not. â€Å"How can they see and not protect you?† (3), here Mistral points out that no one stops to help or protect the child. They just walk by as if they don’t even notice. The author, who was a religious woman cries out, â€Å"Oh, my God!† (4) She calls out to God to help her to understand how the people could ignore the child and its needs. Mistral’s love for the child is expressed in this stanza with passion and wrath. This stanza leaves the reader to question how people could not see the issue of child poverty that is visual right in front of people passing by. The second stanza describes the harsh environments in which the child is living and the hardships it has to face every day. The lines â€Å"Tiny wounded feet, Bruised all over by pebbles, Abused by snow and soil!† (5-7) describe the image of the feet and that they are battered and torn from the elements. Mistral explains to the reader about the suffering and distress the child is enduring, not because his feet hurt, but that no one cares or tries to protect him from harm. Mistral employs the device of imagery to display this scene, as the reader can clearly visualize the child’s battered feet. The images directly connect the reader because we can easily feel the child’s pain. The third stanza speaks of the child’s innocence in the world. â€Å"Man, being blind, ignores that where you step you leave, a blossom of bright light† (8-10) depicts that for each step the child takes it could be towards progress but because the people are to blind to see them, they will never know their full potential or what they could become. â€Å"That where you have placed your bleeding little soles a redolent tuberose grows† (11-13), the author explains that is not the child’s fault that he has to endure these hardships. She expresses that society could help the child by giving him a chance at a better life and see what progress could be made, but still they  ignore him and the possibility. The fourth stanza explains the courage the child has while facing adversity. By reviewing the first two lines, â€Å"Since, however, you walk through the streets so straight,† (14-15) the reader can understand that the child is brave, and is not giving up hope, for one day he may have a better life. The last line of the fourth stanza states that â€Å"You are courageous, without fault† (16) and shows the reader that through adversity and hardships, the child seems to not give up and that it is no fault of his own that he currently has to live this life of poverty. Mistral criticizes society for not wanting to help the child. Two incomplete sentences and a question make up the fifth stanza. The incomplete sentences help the reader to understand the view of the author. In the lines â€Å"Child’s tiny feet, Two suffering little gems,† (17-18) the author addresses the agony the child is enduring and compares the child’s feet to gems, stating how children are a blessing, and should be protected as you would protect any precious gem. Mistral ends the poem with the following question, â€Å"How can the people pass, unseeing.† (19) The ‘unseeing’ people are those that take for granted the blessing of children, as having her own children is something she deeply desires. Mistral is concerned about the future of the child in a society that looked away from poverty stricken children who grew up poor knowing no other way of life. How could society continue to ignore child poverty and not intervene and protect them? The last stanza leads the reader to firmly believe that no one helped the child. Part II: Scansion and Analysis The central theme and meaning of the poem is children in poverty, and the neglect by society. Children are the innocence of the world and it is our responsibility as adults to help guide and protect them. The poem is written in free verse and it has no set meter. The only rhyme within the poem is an internal rhyme that is located within the line number 11, a â€Å"Blossom of bright light.† The tone of the poem begins as sad, and full of despair with the very idea of children living in poverty with no one to care for them. Though, by the middle of the poem, the tone changes when the  author shows hope is felt for the children because they are brave. The poem has five stanzas. The views and thoughts of the author are within all stanzas. Imagery is used throughout the poem. For instance, you can clearly imagine that because the child’s feet are so cold that they have turned blue. The reader can also visualize how the feet are bleeding from stepping on pebbles. The author uses a metaphor technique when comparing the child’s feet to precious gems as children are just as precious as gems and should be protected as such. The lines within the poem are sometimes difficult because of their harshness while reading, but the author uses this to promote an intended effect, giving the reader an emotional and uncomfortable uncertainty. The author also uses descriptive adjectives to bring deeper meaning to the poem. By using words that are not well known causes the reader to search for meanings to better understand the writing. I chose to view this poem through a thematic mode. I believe Mistral used the theme of the poem to bring awareness to society regarding childhood poverty. Her approach made it easy for the reader to understand the theme and the issue at hand. I also agree with Mistral that society as a whole turns the other way and does not want to help the neglected and poverty stricken individuals. The general message of the poem is to tell society to open its eyes to children in poverty and stop taking everything for granted. I feel that the poem is an expression of the children’s emotional and physical pain that is endured in poverty, as well as the pain the author feels by seeing the neglected children. Mistral expressed that children were the future, and in order for the future to look bright, there must be children that love the world in which they live. Works Cited Mistral, Gabriela. Poet Seers. n.d. 26 June 2014 .

Summary review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary review - Essay Example ’ and motivates the man to interact with the other employees so that he can learn about the styles that he uses as a manager (Blanchard and Johnson 14). In order to be an effective manager, Blanchard and Johnson have given three primary secrets in the book. The first secret is open minded goal setting. According to Blanchard and Johnson (18), this is the one minute management foundation. They vouch for the 80-20 rule of goal setting. By this, they simply imply that 80% of results that are really important come 20% of goals that were set. This simply entails making people aware of what they should do in their duties. In one minute goal setting, the first step is agreeing on the goals. This is followed by looking out for good behavior, then writing out each of the set goals in not more than 250 words. The fourth step entails reading and re-reading each goal, which should be less than a minute. The next step requires one to take a minute off each day to evaluate their performance and finally seeing whether or not the goals match their behavior (Blanchard and Johnson 22). The second secret is one minute praisings (Blanchard and Johnson 24). The two authors point out that people can reach their maximum potential if they are helped by effective managers to know every time they do something right. Blanchard and Johnson note that when people produce good results, they tend to feel really good about themselves. The first step in one minute praisings is letting people know up front that you are going to inform them about how they are doing. The second step is praising people immediately and then telling people what they do right, immediately they do it and in specific terms. Also, it is important to let people know you feel great regarding what they have done right and how it is helpful to the business and other people in it. Encouraging them to continue doing more of the same also works well. Finally, it is important to show people who do well that you support their

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Preparing for and Taking Standardized Tests Research Paper

Preparing for and Taking Standardized Tests - Research Paper Example Students can have access to a wide array of practice tests before actually appearing in the test. In the past, students had to go to academies in addition to their regular schools in order to prepare for the tests. Adjusting this extra work in an already busy schedule was quite of a challenge for many hard working students. Academies consumed a lot of their time as a result of which, students lagged behind in their regular home work. Even then, the quality of education would not be up to the mark because most of the energy was consumed in adjusting new activities into the schedule and then adjusting with it. In addition to that, academies popular for their history of good results used to charge the willing students quite a lot of fees which many students could not afford. Today, students can have free access to past tests, sample papers, preparing tips and test taking strategies. Internet makes a holistic approach to enhance the abilities of students from all aspects so that they bec ome adequately equipped with the required skills before appearing in the exam. This not only saves students’ time, but also enables them to have quick access to the required information. The best thing about preparing for the standardized tests from the internet is that after going through the sample tests, a student gains a preliminary idea of the areas in which he/she is weak. This helps the student place particular emphasis upon the skill enhancement in that particular area. Many online test preparation sites recommend students to go through the sample tests once before the commencement of preparation, and the second time, after they think they have prepared sufficiently. The second test is no less useful than the first one because it provides the students with an insight into their skills and the extent to which they are really prepared for the standardized test next day. In the past, children liked going to academies not just for preparation, but also with a view to lear ning strategies and tips that would help them gain maximum marks in the minimal time. Today, the same purpose is served by internet. In fact, internet provides students with a much greater variety of strategies and tips all of which have been derived from the experience of past test takers. Although preparation of the standardized tests depends to much an extent, upon the individualistic preparation of a student, though teachers also have a special role to play in it. In order to ensure that all students are able to pass the standardized tests, it is imperative that teachers take out time from the regular classes to get the students prepared for the tests. According to Hollingworth (2007 cited in Tompkins, 2011) teachers can achieve this without compromising upon the regular instructional program in five ways discussed below: 1. Teachers should make sure that the curriculum standards imposed by their state are consistent with their program and adjust the material according to the re quirements of the test. 2. Teachers should establish milestones with students and should regularly supervise their progress through informal assessments. 3. Teachers should involve students in authentic activities of literacy in order to make them potential writers and readers. 4. Teachers should narrate the test’s purpose to the students and discuss the way the results will impact their future, but should not increase the students’

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Analysis the case study sabmiller by gerry johnson 2010 Essay

Analysis the case study sabmiller by gerry johnson 2010 - Essay Example This paper looks on at the company’s performance in the year 2009 and how this was significant in terms of having to apply a number of strategies and try and boost their results a few fold. Also, different strategies that may be applied by the company as futuristic options have also been discussed within the paper with the help of which the company will be able to decide its future advantages and demerits. Briefly speaking, during the year 2009, SABMiller took a number of important steps in order to ensure that the company received a high status and was acknowledged not only in its areas of control and operations but all over the world, on a global basis. It has tried to consolidate its position in the business environment, develop its market and products in the global market, and has also tried to expand and diversify its product detailing in order to develop a stronger and better customer and target base. Almost after ten years of being listed in the stock exchange board of London, the company moved from being number 88 to the 17th position in the FTSE. Its market capitalization had also increased almost four fold. It had become the second largest brewer in the world by global standards and had a number of worldwide brands listed in its brand portfolio. However, all this recognition and success for the company came at the hands of smart decision making, excellent thinking and implementation of action as well as making good choices for strategies. SABMiller had tried to establish itself in the market by taking on its competitors and making a name for itself. It tried to create a balanced environment for itself in the market, and tried to attract global businesses from all over the world to come and partner and collaborate with it in terms of providing clientele for suppliers. With time, the company has tried to acquire as many smaller units as it can in order to help itself grow and establish a network on an international basis. This has helped it to ex pand and make other people aware of its presence in the global market. The company has tried to exploit all kinds of opportunities available to it in different countries of operation and thus has also strengthened its position by joining hands with a number of partnerships and proprietors all over in order to not only give them a chance and raise its goodwill and morality but also help itself set a good network chain. The main aim of the company is to develop a strong portfolio name for the international market and keep its customers and consumers satisfied and happy so that they establish strong connections and contacts with the company with time. The company has thus tried to move into specialty brands and become bait for a more affluent consumer group. It has been trying to locate and provide the target consumers with their needs and wants and try and not let their goals shift from those of the company’s. Yet another strategy in the entire management of the company is its will to never stop striving to do better. The company has an excellent lookout towards its smaller units and collaborations and thus always makes sure that these small intermediaries are also satisfied in terms of the kind of work that they are all carrying out for the main company. Thus, it strives to constantly keep on raising the level of performance at every localized level that it has. Its manufacturing processes have taken a

Monday, August 26, 2019

ECONOMICS OF RACE AND GENDER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ECONOMICS OF RACE AND GENDER - Essay Example The variance in appearance that would facilitate the rich, as well as well rounded debate that would occur about a wealth of issues by a wide variety of the general populous. Just as economic understanding is important in terms of comprehending the societal picture, so is the influence that diversity would have on it as well. From a standpoint of general definition, diversity in a sense is the variance found within participants in a given area. One such instance of diversity would be the distinction between the genders. The difference in the level of earnings possessed between the species, largely based upon the gender of the respective individual. Ultimately, the case would become the economics of gender and how it plays out for everyone. How an individual may find themselves, at any point in their live, judged not for their work as the primary reason but rather, would see the judgment placed upon them, in the form of such things as monetary compensation, be based upon their gender. Statistics have also outlined throughout history, in terms of the issue of earning capacity of individuals that would belong to a specific race, or nationality of origin. As the present state of the American economy would make it so that more and more people would be further assessing the influences that impact the economy as a whole, the consideration of race and gender in terms of the economy’s performance, would be all the more important to look at. Group participation projects can be very beneficial in terms of getting the full spectrum of the issue at hand. The advantage being the opportunity to harness the opinions of the group members as they work together and create a product for the rest of the class to view. As for the role taken personally in terms of my participation within the creation of the group project, I would have to say

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The program Meet the Press with David Gregory Assignment

The program Meet the Press with David Gregory - Assignment Example He further stated that this was a great mistake on the part of President Obama, and may cost his party the November elections. He also stated that the reforms would not come into effect until 2014, but that the tax increases and Medicare cuts would go into effect as soon as the bill was passed. On a similar note, in the debate between Republican National Committee Michael Steele said that the bill was clearly a form of government takeover, and was against all that America stood for, therefore, the outrage against it is legitimate. He, however, did admit that some steps by the Tea Party Activists were excessive and not supported by the Republican Party, like the racial and bigoted comments made to some of the Congressmen. Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine supported the bill and said that the people’s support would be won once the bill came into effect and people saw the benefits of the reforms, because in essence people wanted all of this, but were misled by the statements of the Republicans. However, both of them, in answer to David Gregory’s question, said that they were hopeful for bipartisan agreement on future projects/bills, with Tim Kaine citing an article by two Senators, that talked about a bipartisan agreement on the issue of immigratio n reform. Chuck Todd had some reservations about the purported success of the program. Whereas Democrat Anita Dunn and Republican Ed Gillespie, true to their party affiliations, stuck to their party’s stance on the issue. Democrat Anita Dunn pointed out that healthcare reform has been an issue for the past century, and it is brave of President Obama to try to tackle it head-on. She said that the winners in the scenario would be the Americans who will no longer need to be worried about their insurance and that the Republicans were using scare tactics to get the people into believing things about the healthcare bill that are not true. Ed Gillespie  stated that the decision of President Obama will be historic, but in the sense that it is a bad one.  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Film studies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Film studies - Case Study Example Q2: The past time is the key actor in the movie, even when it was the high time to live right now. The main character Yuddi made a girl to fall in love with him by referring to time, promised to remember that moment, but left her. Furthermore, he said to Tide that he wanted to both live fast and catch the moment. In general, it seems like the key motif of this movie is impossibility to live the life to the full, when you realize that you do not know who your real parents are. This secret broke the normal life of Yuddi and caused his young and fast death. Q3: Even though Ge Lan enjoyed her life in laugh and happiness, the revealed secret of her origin made her restless. She simply could not be patient in her heart and call her foster family ‘parents’. Nevertheless, in the end of her search she found her mother who lied in her face that she had not given birth to her. However, final scene showed the reason of this rejection. Probably, her birth mother realized that she was incapable to provide Ge Lan with everything she needed. She wanted her to stay happy, and Mambo Girl will never know that. Q4: With the development of film plot, the main character Ah Jong appears as an intelligent man, who had no intend to kill people just for fun. Thus, the more Detective Lee knew about him, the less he wanted to chase him in order to arrest. On the contrary, he became his close friend, because he respected Jong’s code and ethics. It corresponded with his own attitude to cruelty of crime bosses and friendship. Consequently, he decided to kill the person who had killed his friend. He also knew for sure, that police would not provide punishment he

Friday, August 23, 2019

Why teenagers should have a curfew Research Paper

Why teenagers should have a curfew - Research Paper Example They get ample of time in the nights to enjoy and do the new things. This inclination involved many youths in midnight criminal activities. Different cities of America and other countries enforced youth curfew to curtail crime ratio and enhance youth safety. Omaha enforced first teen curfew in 1880. There are mainly two types of curfews enforced in different countries with different limitations and these are, city enforced curfew and parental curfew. Curfew did a great job in reducing crime rate, increasing youth safety and making parents more responsible in caring teenagers, importance and outcome of all these achievements be discussed below. By 2010, 500 US cities imposed curfew on under 18 teenagers prohibiting their move out in streets. Even teenagers were prohibited to move in streets or anywhere away from home on weekends. Curfews in American cities are saving teenagers from becoming unintended victim of criminals and other adult violence. Reduction in midnight juvenile crime r ate and youth victimization is the main aim of teenage curfew. New Orleans, Texas and Detroit city enforced teenage curfew and after three years observed decline of 84% in all midnight criminal activities. †status offences† laws were implemented in California resulted in reduction of 32% of midnight burglary crimes from 1978 to 1997 (Males & Macallair 1999). Most of the cities imposed penalty of 500 US dollars on juvenile appearance at public places after 11 pm. This reduced the theft, sexual abuse and shooting cases in the cities. â€Å"Comprehensive community based curfew programs† were introduced by office of juvenile justice in 1996 in America. The annual report showed great decline in youth victimization in the cities (Males & Macallair 1999). Los angles carried out comprehensive analysis from July 97 to 98. In first six months of curfew enforcement, 4810 people were arrested in 97 and produced no effect on youth crime and victimization. However, during the n ext six months, the curfew arrests cut back sharply due to decline in youth crime (Males & Macallair 1999). Teenagers are considered new comers in the outdoor life. Teenage is the stage when youths are more curious about the future and want to forget the past time. Despite knowing all the emotions, yet parents want to minimize teen exposure to outer world in order to save them from lot many problems. Teens in their early youth stage are prone to ills like Intoxication, murder, drinking, smoking, sexual abuse and criminal activities (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 152). Despite ensuring safety, curfew helps teen in understanding family life and customs. They spare more time for the activities like, religious duties, school or college work, sports and any other thing considered necessary by parents for saving the teenager from abuses of outer world. Teens also sometimes understand the importance of curfew for their safety. It is sometimes very difficult for a yo uth to get out in the streets at midnight especially the young girls cannot afford this practise too long. There have been recorded incidents of sexual attempts on the teen girls roaming around in the silent streets of California (Ruefle & Brantley 189). Therefore, at some stage of their life, they thank their parents for saving them from violence and youth offences. Teens at the age of 16 or 17 normally do not understand what parents say and with which purpose. Teens normally think that parents are taking away their freedom by restricting their life. It is very important aspect of curfew that teens are not treated as adults in American cities (Ruefle & Brantley 192). Curfew makes youths more responsible to handle life affairs when they reach adult stage. Curfew help youths to be accustomed with disciplined

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Instructional strategies and approaches Essay Example for Free

Instructional strategies and approaches Essay Introduction Careful monitoring of student learning is an essential component of quality education . It is a strong predictor of student achievement as well as a major differentiating factor between effective schools and teachers from the ineffective ones. Monitoring of student learning refers to the various activities pursued by responsible and competent teachers to keep track of student learning for purposes of making instructional decisions and providing feedback to students on their performance and progress in school. Strategies for Monitoring Students. Students have different learning styles which is why teachers should strive hard to find activities that will suit the needs of their students. One way of monitoring students to ensure learning is by asking them questions about the lesson presented to check if they understand it or not. Questioning is a highly effective strategy to draw students into the learning process from the very beginning of a class session until the end. It stimulates their interest in new subjects, ideas and challenges; and it encourages students to be reflective about their own beliefs, assumptions and comprehension of new topics. Questioning conveys to students what they are to learn, what they are to do, and how they are going to do it. Effective questioning involves planning and practice prior to conducting lessons. Questions, oral recitations and other means of calling upon students to demonstrate their understanding of lessons presented are some of the methods teachers used to find out if their instruction is working and effective or if it needs to be explained further or adjusted in some way to ensure learning of students. Another method of monitoring student learning and progress is by supervising their seat works. This activity involves the teacher to circulate or move around the classroom to check how well or how poorly the students are progressing in the task. This is also an opportunity for her to provide a one-to-one instruction to those who need it. Homework on the other hand can be beneficial, neutral, or detrimental depending upon the nature and the context of the homework tasks. When carefully monitored by the teacher, this activity can increase the student’s learning time, thus, may contribute to an increase in the student’s achievement. Homework also helps students gain a positive attitude towards school, toward the particular subject areas in which homework is assigned and toward the homework itself. Daily, weekly and monthly reviews can at the same time enhance the learning of new material if incorporated with questioning and other learning probes. In this manner, the teacher can identify those areas which needs re-teaching. Classroom testing also bear a positive relationship to later student achievement when administered regularly and frequently. Studies revealed that students who are tested frequently and given feedback immediately are found to have positive attitudes toward tests. They regard tests as a facilitating factor to the learning and studying process. Finally, teachers should frequently review student’s performance data to check on their performance and progress. This is conducted for the purpose of identifying who among the students are at risks, needs remediation or a one-on-one teaching. Effective Monitoring Systems Teachers should, before proceeding to the next lesson, determine first whether the students understood her lessons or not. It is very important that students should practice or perform skills in the right way first before introducing them to another lesson or sub-skill. One of the best and most effective ways of monitoring my students is by asking them questions during class discussions. This is not only to draw their attention towards the lesson presented to them, but to also to stimulate their interest to the next topic that I am about to introduce to them. Questioning accomplishes so many things in my students. First, it reinforces or corrects their understanding towards the subject being discussed to them. It also encourages them to engage in active learning. It provides them new information gained from the questions raised and it gives them an opportunity to clarify some points in the subject being discussed. Foremost, it prepares them to learn and apply new skill to new challenges, and thus, extends their way of thinking about life. Questioning does not only broaden my students’ focus on the topic presented to them but it enables me to identify their preparedness to accept new information. This learned information helps me to modify, restructure or change the lessons that I am about to introduce to them afterwards. I also believe in the importance of supervising my student’s seatwork. I see that this strategy initiates more interaction with my students than just wait for them to call me and ask for help. When necessary, I also give extension for those who need extra time to finish their tasks. This is to allow slow learners to cope with the rest of their classmates. Other than providing personalized or one-on-one instruction, time extensions is also helpful and effective as a means to ensure learning in students. When my students are through with their tasks, I always make sure to have them turned in for checking and grading purposes. Monitoring student’s homework is also a great help to ensure learning in students. To be able to reap its benefits, I always make sure that the homework I gave to them are those that are tied to the subject matter we currently studied in the classroom and are appropriate to their maturity level. I use this type of monitoring system as a means of extending student practice time with the new material presented to them. I also make sure that parents get involve in the process, and that they are aware of what needs to be done so that they themselves encourage their child to do the homework. Turned in homework are always graded, commented on and checked before being handed back to students as this would allow my students to review and correct their mistakes. Finally, to check whether my instructions were fully understood or not, I give my students a test or a short quiz to confirm their grasp of the lesson presented to them and to identify as well possible gaps in their knowledge and understanding of the subject area. This also helps me keep track of my student’s learning for the purposes of making instructional decisions and providing feedback on their performance and progress in school. All these strategies are used to be able to make adjustments in my instructions to ensure learning in my students; to determine if the methods I used in teaching them are effective or not and; to identify as well who among my students are at risks, needs remediation or a one-on-one teaching.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Cuban Rumba Essay Example for Free

Cuban Rumba Essay Cuban music is a combination of genres and styles, which encompasses quite a long history. Cuban music has been molded by the music and voices of Latin America, Europe, and even Jazz. Of course, Spain and Africa did also have an evident influence on the music as well. There are many different types of Cuban music; all of which is meant for the soul to enjoy. Rumba is a actually a secular folkloric form of music, which consists of drumming, dancing and singing of both African and Spanish languages that has been performed for ages. The rumba term or influence is actually derived from the 16th century when black slaves were imported from Africa, and the word Rumba can cover a variety of terms such as Son, Guagira, Guaracha, and Naningo. However, the exact meaning of the word varies from location to location. Still, it is strongly evident that the Cuban Rumba dance hails originally from Africa where the native Rumba folk dance was essentially a sexual dance that was vigorously fast with strong and forceful hip movements as well as sensually aggressive attitudes on the part of a man and a defensive attitude on the part of a woman. The music, itself was played with a staccato beat, keeping up with the thrusting and vigorous movements of the passionate dancers. Instruments that were also included were the marimbola, the claves, and the drums. The Son was the popular dance of middle class Cuba. It is, in fact, a modified slower and even more refined version of the native Rumba. The instruments are basically still the same as are the movements. However, they are toned down a bit. And, even slower than this dance is the Danzon. The Danzon is the dance of wealthy Cuban society. In this dance, very small steps are taken, while the women producea very subtle tilting of the hips by alternately bending and straightening the knees. The dance known in the United States today as the Rumba is a composite of several dances popular in Cuba, including the guaracha, the Cuban bolero, the Cuban son, and the rural rumba. All of the dances have very similar rhythms that can be traced back to religious and ceremonial dances of Africa. The same pulsating dance rhythms may still be found in parts of Africa, but the dances have been altered by contact with other cultures and races. For example, The rural rumba is a pantomimic dance originating in the rural areas. It depicts the movements of various barnyard animals in an amusing manner, and is basically an exhibition, rather than a participation dance. Both the Cuban son and the Cuban bolero are moderate tempo dances in traditional ballroom form. The guaracha is distinguished by its fast, cheerful tempo. Ten after Americans modified the tempo of the Cuban rumba, later band leader Emil Coleman imported Rumba musicians and dancers to New York but no interest developed. Real interest in Latin music began about 1929 as a result of increased American tourism to Latin America. In 1935 George Raft appeared with Carole Lombard in a movie called Rumba in which he played a suave dancer who wins the lady through dancing. Rumbas unique styling and unusual musical rhythms immediately captured the fancy of ballroom dance enthusiasts, and it has retained its popularity to the present time. The Cuban style is characterized by forward and backward steps. The American version is done in a box pattern with Cuban motion as its chief characteristic. Cuban motion is a discreet, expressive hip motion achieved by bending and straightening the legs and carefully timed weight changes. American Rumba is one of the most popular ballroom dances today. The rumba itself refers to several Latin dance forms, which can all differ greatly. Almost all rumba dances are meant to infer the sexual relationship between partners. The moves can be subtle or quite obvious, which is all depending on the type of form danced The Cuban rumba is very different than what one would see in a ballroom dancing competition. The dance is highly energetic and was thought to have derived directly from the dancing of African slaves from around the West Indies and the Caribbean. Dance historians date performance of this form of rumba back as early as the late 16th century. Some of the moves are so suggestive and frank, that the dance was often considered unacceptable in the countries it was performed, and was actually prohibited. The Cuban rumba requires a high degree of athleticism, as it is very fast. The dance represents a seduction attempt on the part of the male, with the female standing resistant to the man’s charms. This form of rumba frequently includes acrobatic moves, like handstands, flips and cartwheels, usually performed by the male. In order to achieve sexual gratification, he must impress his female partner. The second part of the Cuban rumba usually brings the dancers close together, and the movements are easily indicative of sexual longing. There is much what one might deem â€Å"inappropriate† body contact when the couples connect, and many moves indicate various sexual positions with the male clearly dominant. The partners are often hip to hip in dance connections. This type of form is rarely seen except in exhibitions since it requires a great deal of space to perform it properly. The dancers are mostly apart, and utilize a significant amount of floor space while performing very different acrobatic moves far apart from each other. In conclusion, today the rumba is known to be one of the most popular ballroom dances because of its interesting movements and rhythms. The Cuban Rumba is one of the most important and popular folkloric styles still played frequently in Cuba at musical parties. This is one of the most difficult and syncopated of all Cuban musical styles in popular folklore, both in its music and dance. Guaguanco is a medium paced rumba style that is danced by a couple. BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www. centralhome. com/ballroomcountry/rumba. htm http://www. ibiblio. org/mao/cuba/music. html

Market Demand For Knitwear: Competitive Analysis

Market Demand For Knitwear: Competitive Analysis Industry Analysis: Current market demand for knitwear is involved with the quality and competitive pricing of products. There is a close competition between the manufacturers and marketers to hit the best bargain and offer promotional discounts to consumers. Cut-throat competition has made manufacturers to offer multi-pack products at inexpensive prices. Developments in knitting, and advanced treatments such as digital printing, glossy foil prints, inkjet printing, flocking, and burn-outs have heated up the market. New knitting machines have opened up possibilities hitherto into unknown segments such as technical textile, for instance; products such as fishnet, fruit-net, shade net and composite products. The Smart Fabrics and Interactive Textiles market will return to growth, reaching a value of US$1.8bn by 2015, according to new research by Global Industry Analysts (GIA). ( seems that the revival of economic growth, a recovery of consumer confidence, product innovations and sustainability would all help to put growth back on track. On the other hand, demand for unique product offerings, served by unexplored, developing markets, will sustain growth. It can be safely assumed that the knitwear the industry lifecycle is at the mature stage as shown in the figure below. According to GIA, the intimate apparel industry is defined by new fabric developments, including innovations in fashionable and comfortable garment designs. The report found that competition within the industry had resulted in falling prices and a shift in production, prompting manufacturers to expand their operations into South America, Central Europe and Asia (Network). Europe is identified as the single largest regional market for knitwear, although the US; they dominate global knitwear sector with a 65% market share (LTD). Asia Pacific is currently growing to be a promising market for the same. During the recession, the Asia-Pacific market was buoyed by rapid growth in China, India, Korea, Indonesia and Taiwan. The global knitwear market is competitive and fragmented. The economic crises have narrowed the gap between the upper and lower end of the market with style differentiation almost vanishing.(Ltd.) With advancements in the industry in the recent years, RadiciGroup is introducing CornLeaf, a 100% biodegradable solution-dyed continuous yarn. Produced by Noyfil SA, the yarn is made from Ingeo, a polylactic acid (PLA) polymer derived from renewable vegetable resources. Compared to traditional dyeing and finishing processes, the manufacturing of CornLeaf requires less water and energy consumption as solution dyeing technology is integrated into the spinning process. CornLeaf lighter than other natural fibers, and has tenacity comparable to other synthetic fibers. According to RadiciGroup, the yarn also has greater hygroscopicity compared to synthetic yarns and is faster drying than natural fibers. RadiciGroups yarn is available in a range of lightfast, wash-resistant colors intended for use in intimate wear, furnishings and consumer goods. (W. T. Ltd.) Company Information: Sana Hastakala (P) Ltd. main office, that houses training, product design and development, and retail outlet, is situated in Kupondole, Kathmandu, Nepal. The address is: G 10/113, Kupondole, Kathmandu, Nepal Corresponding address: P.O. Box No. 3901, Kathmandu Nepal Sana Hastakala (SH), when translated to English, literally means Small Handicrafts. This company was established by conglomerates of handicraft businesses in Nepal to encourage the local artists and producers to participate in producing handmade goods and sell them abroad. In 1989, United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF, now known as United Nations Childrens Funds) provided technical and financial support, in addition to assistances from local handicraft businesses, to launch SH. After a year, the organization was able to sustain on its own and, though registered as non-government organization with Government of Nepal, now is a private limited company. SH strives to foster the resurgence of traditional craft skills as well as applying modern techniques in order to generate income for under privileged craft producers who are mostly women (Sana_Hastakala). SH has more than 1,500 individual producers, and collaborates with 80 producers groups. Income is distributed amongst producers and employees. Profits, also, strengthen the organization and finance community development initiatives. The community development fund is used to assist craft producers in purchasing raw materials and equipment, and provide skills training (SanaHastakala_Producers). SH has been proactive in establishing fair trade in Nepal and is the founding member of local chapter Fair Trade Group Nepal. Though many organizations have provided definition of fair trade, the definition offered by World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) has been widely accepted. It states that Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect that seek greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers especially in the South (WFTO). There are ten standards for fair trade and the list includes stipulations about labor conditions, gender equity, environmental considerations, and transparency to name a few (Weber). Fair Trade Group Nepal (FTG Nepal) is a consortium of fair trading organizations working with the aim to uplift socio-economic status of underprivileged and marginalized producers of Nepal (FTGN About Fair Tr ade Group). SH contribution to social development has been highlighted in periodicals. In 2007, World Fair Trade Day published series of case studies on Why Kids Need Fair Trade that exemplified how SH has helped Babita Rajbhandari, who had been previously trained in SH, to educate her daughter Boibha after her husband passed away (WFTD). In order to increase awareness of the fair trade, SH regularly promotes educational programs at local institutes that offer social work courses. To provide hands-on experience of fair trade, SH provides two 8-month long internships every year to students from the colleges (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures; FTGN Annual Activity Report). SH has two outlets located in Kupondole and Lazimpat. Their annual turnover in 2009 was NRs. 40.5 million (CAD 550,000), exports accounting for 78% and domestic for 22% of sales. Information regarding which categories contribute most to the sales was not disclosed; Japan is the number one importer of knitwear products (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). Many promoters of fair trade have associated with SH to promote local handmade products in the global market; most notably is Ten Thousand Villages, which has 75 retail stores in the United States of America (TenThousandVillages_USA) and 49 stores across Canada (TenThousandVillages_Canada). As promoter of fair trade, SH will provide brochure that highlights the activities of SH, and access to merchandise producers and manufacturing centers will be provided. The third party inspection can be arranged, but the buyer has to provide the cost of hiring external agency (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). Sana Hastakala has website that provides information to the products, and the services provided by the organization and information on Nepalese handicrafts. The website, however, lacks web-based ordering system. This is due to the lack of laws for e-commerce (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). SH recently won Best Entrepreneur Award given by Federation of Handicraft Association of Nepal for their contribution in product development, employment creation, export and sales promotion, technological, management and environmental improvements, socially responsible activities, and support to other handicraft entrepreneurs and buyers (WFTO-Asia). Competitive Analysis: Our top three competitors are, Ecowool: Ecowool is located in New Zealand; it has been selling the ship skin and woolen products for almost 20 years. Mayfair overseas: Mayfair overseas is the largest knitwear manufacturing and exporting group in India. Trident Craft Pvt. Ltd: Trident Craft is a handicraft company located in Nepal. All these three competitors offer similar knitwear products, such as cap, jacket, socks, gloves, hat, scarves, and sweaters. Competitive advantage over each of the competitors: Ecowool: All our products are handmade with Nepals rich artistic skill and craft techniques We are the founding member of fair trade group Our main objective is to provide financial and technical support to craft producers Mayfair Overseas: We do not use harmful chemicals in production because all products are hand made Traditional craft skills with modern techniques Designs and based on both traditional Nepali and classic western motifs Trident craft Pvt. Ltd: We use high quality sheep wool and agora wool from Nepal and imported wool from New Zealand to create beautiful knit wears We are the founding member of fair trade group and provides marketing services to our producers of our company Product Information: Sana Hastakala, in collaboration with local women and producers, market variety of handicraft products. Besides producing and exporting handicrafts items, SH helps entrepreneurs with financial and technical assistance; some of these business enthusiasts operate in a very small scale and usually manage their business operation from home. Such assistances usually consist of capital needed for raw materials, health checkup, product development and design, and marketing (Sana_Hastakala About Us). The products are beads, ceramics, hemp products, knitwear, metal crafts, silver jewelry and others. The complete list of products is provided in Appendix A. We are looking for prospect buyer(s) in Canada for knitwear products offered by SH. The knitwear products include woolen cap with earmuffs (or ear-flap woolen hats), mittens (boxer gloves and hunter mittens), woolen sock, and mufflers. Appendix B provides the images of these products. SH uses high quality sheep wool and agora wool from Nepal, and also uses imported wool from New Zealand. The quality of yarn has to be approved by the client prior to production. SH has its own catalog for the designs, which are based on both traditional Nepalese and classic western motifs (SH_Woolen). The design catalog is provided to clients upon request. SH also provides professional to develop pattern and design in collaboration and consultation with the clients. The samples, after approval, will then be sent to producers. All the knitwear products are hand-made and will have 100% Hand-made in Nepal labels (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). It is worthwhile noting that all knitwear (except for sweaters which is not in consideration because of size-requirement discrepancies between Asia and North America) products are unisex. The knitwear products are available in two different sizes: small (kid-size), and large (adult-size). Since these are hand-made, SH admits that it is hard to enforce size requirements, but will comply with clients requirements (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). The knitwear products are available in a range of fashionable colors. The local woolen yarn colors are usually pale white and grey. These wools are from sheep and yak, and no animals are harmed during the production of wool. The wools are dyed based on the clients requirements. The design catalog contains the range of colors available. The hats or caps and boxer gloves can have fleece lining upon request by the clients. These linings provide extra warmth and are usually preferred by most of the clients. The requirement of linings will be decided after consultation with clients. Being a member of World Trade Organization, Fair Trade Group, and Fair Trade Group Nepal, Sana Hastakala strictly adheres to the guidance and regulations to maintain quality and standards, which are regularly checked by these organizations. Besides quality and standard, SH ensures that these ten standards are followed: Creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers, Transparency and accountability Trading practices Payment of a fair price Child labor and forced labor Non-discrimination, gender equity and freedom of association Working conditions Capacity building Promotion of Fair Trade Environment The details of these standards are discussed in detail by any Fair Trade organizations (FTGN_Standards). The compliance certificates can be obtained upon request by the clients. The client can request to be affiliated with Sana Hastakala to promote Fair Trade practices in Nepal. Some clients have expressed the positive outcomes and boost in profits because of this affiliation. SH assures that the client will develop business relationship that will benefit everyone and SH will be committed once this relationship is established (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). Transportation Procedures: Sana Hastakala (SH) offers two types of shipping: sea and air. If the client prefers DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), then SH will use its own freight forwarding firm, handled by third party, and the freight, insurance and cost of goods will be the landed cost. Some clients prefer EXW the products are picked up from the SH warehouse located at Kupondole, Nepal. The client will be responsible for all the charges thereafter (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). Nepal is member of World Trade Organization and strictly adheres to rules and regulations of WTO. Prior to 2005, Nepal enjoyed quota free access to major global markets. Nepal does not have any restrictions in exporting knitwear as long as it maintains quality standard requirements (Shah). However, importing textiles and clothing to Canada is subjected to Export Import Permit Acts and requires import permit from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) (DFAIT Import Conditions). The import also is subjected to certification fees and custom fees based on the total value of goods (DFAIT Schedule (Paragraph 3(1)(a)): Fees for Import Permits). SH prefers exporting through seaway for exporting goods, but this requires order in advance one year so that the product reaches the buyer in time. SH can also provide merchandise through air cargo the order is required four months in advance. The seaway shipment is cost-effective compared to air cargo. Currently, the shipping price through sea is US$ 3.00 below 500 kg and US$ 2.00 over 500 kg, whereas the air cargo cost depends upon the courier service used for transportation; on the average, air cargo costs US$ 9.50 below 500 kg and US$ 7.25 over 500 kg (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). The method of transportation will depend upon after discussion with buyer and their preferences, but sea shipment will be recommended to keep the landed cost minimized. The turn-around-time depends upon the quantity of merchandise ordered. A minimum order of 1,000 units of knitwear, mix and match of any products, is required to minimize the packaging and handling charges. The seller has to keep in mind that the estimated delivery time through sea is three to four months, whereas the estimated delivery time through air cargo is five to seven business days (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). The packaging will be done in weather-proof packages so that there is minimal damage to the merchandises due to weather and other natural disasters. The packaging is either in the tarp sacks or boxed, the latter being more expensive and will cost more to buyer (Sana_Hastakala Polcies and Procedures). Pricing Policies and Procedures: For selling any of goods or services some type of cost analysis is required. SH, according to the cost analysis, set prices, for their three merchandise (Caps, Mittens and Mufflers), as below: Caps: $3-4/Piece Mittens: $3-4/Pair Mufflers: $2-3/Piece A part of analysis is verification of pricing. For better understanding the market situation, the table one shows comparing prices between three supplyer that are competing in the market and SH. Obviously, this is one of the best means for validating price. By asking three or more suppliers of their prices for the same product, we can determine if a particular price is reasonable. However, the lowest bid may not always represent the lowest cost. There may be cost associated with making the lower cost product perform to standards, the additional cost of early replacement or the cost of redesign and/or testing required making the lower cost product applicable. This total cost of acquisition is the real cost that must be compared. Its obviously shows that SH prices are higher than the other competitor in the market and it is because of their quality and being handmade of the products. SH doesnt have any discount offer for first order but for compete with other competitors they offer discount for second and subsequent orders. They promote 12% discount for orders more than 70,000 and 20% discount for orders more than 100,000. Furthermore they have discount for fair trade members about 25%, also these excludes VAT which is 22% in Nepal. The company use advanced order to take advance payments to cover the cost of raw materials purchase. Then SH use totally prepaid advanced payment for first order and for the second order they recommend 75% advance payment, 25% after shipping. Also they recommend 50% advance payment and 50% COD payment for third order and subsequent orders. The firms policy on extending credit to its customers is depending on the loyalty of the customers to SH and their participation in promoting fair trade globally and locally. PART B: Prospecting/Qualifying Potential Customers: We propose these methods for prospecting and qualifying potential customers. Exhibitions and Demonstrations: Prospecting Exhibitions and demonstrations will be our primary prospecting method. This types of events gives a sales person extensive contact with large number of potential buyers over a brief time. Using this method we can set-up an interesting display to get peoples attention for example popcorn machine, lightning etc. We can set up our display to maximize visibility based on the flow of the traffic. We can use lead cards to write down prospect information for efficient and effective post- show follow up. In this kind of trade shows we can get the major buyers we want to pursue for contact. Qualifying: For qualifying potential customer in such kind of exhibitions or trade shows we can set up a booth with one sales person to qualify leads and get name and addresses to contact them later at their home or offices. Our sales persons approach to the customers will be assertive rather than common; we can use some questions such as have you ever use hand crafts products? Or by offering them sample to handle that make them get involved into conversation. We can write our message so that it fits on the back of the business card. Our website: Prospecting: Our company website would be our one of an automated prospecting tool. We can use our company website as prospecting tool by doing number of things such as, We can make the site attractive and easy to use We can get come in to their contacts by contact link on every page We can put call me links, whereby they can enter their phone numbers and we call them back. Qualifying: To qualify potential customers through our websites we can put our full product catalog online and also let them download a pdf and order a paper copy. Our website would allow them to make both free-text queries and guiding them through a product list. Our potential customer can get all information about our products price range from our web sites. We can use cookies so we can track the prospect and offer customized information. Networking: Prospecting: To find new prospects, networking can be the most reliable and effective prospecting method. We can focus on meeting the Centre of influence people by which we can come in to many valuable contacts. By networking we can get to know about prospects business and find key people in our industry. By meeting people we can tell them what we sell, exchange business cards. Eventually we can build a network of people talking to each other, sharing ideas and exchanging information. We can get networking prospects business card and follow up with our new contact. By doing networking we can develop credibility and a valuable, long lasting relationship that would be helpful in our business. Qualifying: To qualify potential customers through networking we can share information about their business and our business. We can ask them some open ended question or feel good question about our industry and also their industry like, What do enjoy the most about your industry? By making contacts through networking we can build up relationship by sending them something every month such as notepad with our company name and picture. These things will be reminded us and our products. Monthly hard copy and newsletter: Prospecting: This is one on of the good prospecting method that we can use to find potential customers We can target particular market by publishing monthly hard copy and newsletters of our company and our products. Though monthly hard copy and newsletter we can offer them an invitation to a seminar, free training session etc. Qualifying: We can send to our prospecting customer contacts articles, newsletters, books, brochures etc. to guide them about our company and our product. We can publish questionnaires to encourage the conversation. Securing an Appointment: The letter seeking an appointment is provided in the next page. February 21, 2011 Mountain Equipment Co-op 400 King Street West Toronto, ON M5V 1K2 Dear Sir/Madam, Sana Hastakala is Nepali Handicraft Company. We are the founding member of fair trade group Nepal (FTG) and member of International federation of alternative trade (FAT). This is a non-profitable organization and our main objective is to foster traditional craft skills as well as applying modern techniques in order to generate income for craft producers who are mainly women. We produce different woolen items and other handicrafts products. Sana offers you variety of woolen items which can be used in everyday life. We use high quality wool such as sheep wool, agora wool from Nepal, imported wool from New Zealand to crate beautiful knit wears, sweaters, jackets, hats and gloves. Designs are based on both traditional Nepali and classic western motifs and are available in beautiful range of fashionable colors. At your convenience, I would like to introduce you to some of our products features and benefits. Please let me hear from you if you would like to find out more about Sana Hastakala and what we can offer you. Regards, Jasmin Upadhyaya (Marketing Manager) Appendices: Appendix A Product Catalog for Sana Hastakala Beads necklaces, earrings Ceramics Earthenware statues, water and storage jars, flower pots, glass, cup and plate, tea pot, flower vase, serving bowl, soup bowls, paper Mache masks, puppets and dolls Dhaka Shawls, and cloths Dolls (made from cloth and corn husk depicting various occupational and tribal ethnic groups represent the culture of Nepal) Felt Hand Made Paper Products greeting cards, stationary sets, notebooks, gift wrapping paper, bags, envelopes, photo frames Household accessories Knitwear sweaters, jackets, hats and caps, gloves and mittens Metal Craft Singing bowls, trumpets, drums, various kinds of flutes, cymbals, cutlery items, such as knife ,spoon and forks with traditional designs , and bagh chal and chess games Mithila paintings, mirrors, ceramics, table cloths bed sheets and T-shirts Natural fiber Allo Hemp bags, cushions covers, wallet, and clothing Pashmina Shawls, mufflers Silver Jewelry Wood carving picture frames, mirror frames, small boxes, animals, buttons, decorative wall hangings, masks X-mas hanging Filigree Christmas hangings, and felt decoration Appendix B Images for knitwear products: Ear Flap Hats (DSC08796) Cap with Earmuffs (DSC02910) Boxer Gloves (DSC01045) Hunter Gloves (DSC02905) Mufflers (DSC01063) Woolen Socks (DSC01059) Works Cited:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Key Industry Trends regarding H & R Block :: essays research papers

Key Industry Trends Economics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many factors of the economy help to indicate certain trends in the tax industry. The Gross Domestic Product has been calculated at an increase of 3.9% the first quarter of 2004. Consumer spending has also increased .4% from the last year. Both of these statistics may indicate an upward trend in the nation’s economy. A consumer may have more disposable income therefore, they may be more apt to spend their extra money on a tax preparation service. This would reveal a positive effect for H&R Block. The unemployment rate has increased nationally while the employment rate is decreasing. This may result in a decrease of the amount of tax returns that H&R Block files annually, due to the amount of taxpayers that have become unemployed. Either these people may have no taxes to file due to their job loss, or they may not have the extra money to pay for a tax preparation service. If a person is out of work then they may have the extra time to file their taxes in thei r own time. Demographics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many trends in national population characteristics that indicate both opportunities and threats to H&R Block. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that the U.S. will experience a large increase of the Hispanic, Asian, and many other ethnic populations. This will create a large demand for employees that are at least bi-lingual. H&R Block also has an opportunity to open temporary offices in parts of the country that would benefit consumers requiring an employee to speak their native language.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The U.S. Census Bureau has also indicated an increase in the percentage of the nation’s population that is college educated. This may pose a threat to the tax preparation industry. A person that has received at least a 4-year college degree may obtain the knowledge to prepare their own taxes, thus eliminating their demand for a tax preparation service. On the other hand, their college education may indicate an ability to earn a better income, so they would require the services of an organization like H&R Block.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the baby boomers now entering their fifties, birthrates indicate fewer births and more deaths among the population. This would obviously result in less people needing to file taxes, therefore less demand for a tax preparation service. It is important for an organization to analyze the appropriate economic factors and respond with the correct actions so that they may maintain a competitive advantage within their industry.

Monday, August 19, 2019

When Things Fall Apart, Should We Fall to Pieces: Essay -- Literature

â€Å"Turning and turning in the widening gyre, the falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the Centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world† (Yeats, p.1102). This metaphor represents man when he is far removed from what keeps him centered; it illustrates how there can be no control when you lose control the only thing that can come out is chaos. Our decisions are the foundation to how everything finds balance. Though our decisions usually are based on past experiences. It is our beliefs, which may lead us to make decisions. We as humans use faith or a belief system to deal with problems to which we need to solve. Sometimes it is our beliefs that may cause more harm than good. When our beliefs do just that what do we look for in ourselves to make decisions. Is our belief system the one and only thing that causes us to make the decisions that we make? Should our decisions based on belief have other factors involved before an exact will transpire? Throug h history and in recent years, it seems that our beliefs our conflicting with a multitude of people who don't share the same feelings. The biggest demonstration of tragedy from our beliefs is death. Death must be taken into account when decisions are made, otherwise we may not have much time left alive. In the story â€Å"Things Fall Apart† is it a coincidence that the belief of a people control the decisions that our made throughout, or is it an ill-fated story with tragedy springing up at every turn? Chinua Achebe brilliantly illustrates this story of a man â€Å"Okonkwo† despite his every effort to better his life; is plagued with disastrous outcomes. Throughout this tale it is apparent that Okonkwo’s decisions are heavily weighed upon by his beliefs. Is it his beliefs t... ...102. Print. Gyekye, Kwame. An Essay on African Philosophical Thought: The Akan Conceptual Scheme. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Foot, Philippa. Virtues and Vices. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1978 Hauser, Marc D. Moral Minds: How Nature Designed Our UniversalSense of Right and Wrong. New York: HarperCollins, 2006 Mayo, Bernard. â€Å"Virtue or Duty?† In Vice or Virtue in Everyday Life, edited by Christian Hoff Sommers and Fred Sommers. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985. Narveson, Jan. â€Å"Morality and Violance: War, Revolution, Terrorism. â€Å"In Matters of Life and Death, 3rd ed., edited by Tom Regan. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993. Roosevelt, Franklin D.. "Address on Hemisphere Defense." The American Presidency Project. Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, 2012. Web. 5 Apr 2012. .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

External Factors Affecting a Business Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing

External Factors Affecting a Business INTRODUCTION EXTERNAL FACTORS AFFECTING THE COMPANY'S BUSINESS AND PROSPECTS There are many factors that affect the Company's business and the results of its operations, some of which are beyond the control of the Company. The following is a description of some of the important factors that may cause the actual results of the Company's operations in future periods to differ materially from those currently expected or desired. OBJECTIVE The objective of this paper is to introduce the external factors affecting the jeans industry from a business view. 1. GENERAL ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRY CONDITIONS Any general economic, business or industry conditions that cause customers or potential customers to reduce or delay their investments in the jeans industry could have a negative effect on the Company's strength and profitability. For example, a softening of demand for jeans ware may result in decreased revenues (or at least declining revenue growth rates) for jeans manufacturers in general and the Company in particular and may result in pricing pressures for products that the Company sells. 2. COMPETITION The jeans industry is highly competitive. The intense competition inherent in the industry could result in the loss of customers or pricing pressures. 3. INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES The Company's future growth rates and success are in-part dependent on continued growth and success in international markets. As is...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

U01A1 Zara Rapid Fire Fullfilment

U01a1 Zara Rapid-Fire Fulfillment Steven A. Shapiro Capella University European clothing retailer Zara has been highlighted in several publications as a model for its supply chain management. This retail chain exists as a subsidiary of â€Å"Spain’s largest apparel manufacturer and retailer† (Chopra & Meindl, 2012, p. 14). The most telling account of Zara’s success is detailed in an article for Harvard Business Review entitled, ‘Rapid-Fire Fulfillment’. Here, authors Ferdows, Lewis and Machuca (2004) describe three key principles that Zara relies on to maintain its success†¦ * Close the communication loop Stick to a rhythm across the entire chain * Leverage your capital assets to increase supply chain flexibility (Ferdows, et al. , 2004) The first of these principles, ‘Close the communication loop’, outlines the processes by which information is transferred quickly between its valuable customer base and the designers. This open and nimble communication allows Zara to have a better understanding of the pulse of its customers; which in turn, allows the company to stock its stores with clothing the customer wants when they want it.The next principle, ‘Stick to a rhythm across the entire chain’ is outlined by Ferdows, et al. (2007) when they wrote, â€Å"at Zara, rapid timing and synchronicity are paramount† (p. 107). The authors go on to highlight the rigidness by which Zara holds its retail stores to time-bound deadlines for things like product ordering. Missing a deadline is highly frowned upon and can result in a retail store losing that opportunity to obtain additional products.The third principle, ‘Leverage your capital assets to increase supply chain flexibility’ is fairly self-explanatory. The concept is that Zara funds the supply chain not only to run at an efficient manner with their in-house processes, but it outsources the easier parts of the processes as well. The auth ors of the article write, â€Å"[Zara] produces complicated products in-house and outsources simple ones† (Ferdows, et al. , 2004, p. 107). These guiding principles allow Zara’s supply chain to drive the company’s growth and success versus its less agile competitors.One example of this is given in the text, Supply Chain Management, by Chopra and Meindl (2012), these authors demonstrate this, saying, â€Å"Whereas design-to-sales cycle times in the apparel industry have traditionally averaged more than six months, Zara has achieved cycle times of four to six weeks† (p. 14). That difference is significant and is what allows Zara to take action based on the communication they receive above and rapidly react to customer demand in a way their competitors cannot.The most unique aspect of Zara’s supply chain model is its level of control over all aspects of its business; far more than its competitors. The authors of the HBR piece build on this point, stat ing, â€Å"Instead of relying on outside partners, the company manages all design, warehousing, distribution, and logistics functions itself. Even many of its day-to-day operational procedures differ from the norm† (Ferdows, et al. , 2004, p. 106). Another component of Zara’s success, beyond just its maniacal control, is its belief in ensuring its processes and departments are funded for success.This is especially true for the information technology department. A fact which Chopra and Meindl (2012) conveyed when they wrote, â€Å"Zara has also invested heavily in information technology to ensure that the latest sales data are available to drive replenishment and production decisions† (p. 14) In conclusion, though Zara has been highly praised for its innovative supply chain management techniques, this praise is well deserved. It is clear from reading these two disparate accounts of Zara’s practices that they have truly developed a successful and unique sup ply chain to enhance their business.The three principles that are at the core of the Zara philosophy serve to enhance their customer’s experience and continue to deliver value for their customer where competitors cannot. References Chopra, S. , & Meindl, P. (2012). Supply chain management (5th ed. ) [Electronic]. Indianapolis, IN: Prentice Hall. Ferdows, K. , Lewis, M. A. , & Machuca, J. D. (2004). Rapid-Fire Fulfillment. Harvard Business Review, 82(11), 104-110.

Friday, August 16, 2019

At-Risk Program for Alcohol and Drug Use Essay

When observing the schools in our communities, many choose not to notice that there is a serious problem concerning drug and substance abuse within the student population. Drug and alcohol abuse has become a serious problem for many students in the state of Alabama. There are over 40,000 adolescents in the state of Alabama that have used illegal drugs in this past month (Inspirations for Youth and Families, 2011). This is an alarming number that needs the support of the community, state funded programs, and the school district. There are currently over 15,000 youths in the state of Alabama that need help with substance abuse problems and are not receiving the proper care and help they deserve (Inspirations for Youth and Families, 2011). This community needs an at-risk program that targets the students who have become victim to drug and alcohol abuse. Identifying students in our schools who may be using drugs or alcohol is not an easy task. There are several signs that students could convey during schools hours that draw the attention of teachers or classmates. This program will be available to any parents concerned about their children with substance abuse, or students exhibiting at-risk warning signs. Warning signs of an at-risk student that will be eligible for a drug and substance abuse program may exhibit several traits that set them apart from the rest of the student body. These include smelling like alcohol or drugs, missing or skipping class, a dramatic change in academic involvement, trouble with authority, and getting involved in fights or showing an increase in aggressive behavior (Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2012). Students who exhibit any of these signs would be recommended to participate in the drug and alcohol program. Periodic drug screenings in schools for students expressing these signs is another measure that will be taken to inform educators and parents of the students experimenting with illegal substances and need our help and support. This drug and alcohol program will meet the needs of the students in our community by providing them a haven where they can turn without worrying about getting into trouble. This program is not meant to judge these students, but to help them overcome the pressure they feel from their peers and their habitual drug and alcohol abuse. This program will be in every school in the Montgomery County school district. It will target students in grades five through 12. The guidance offices will have specific laws and rules to abide by to find at-risk students and enter students into the drug and alcohol program. The guidance office will have the responsibility of meeting with students when there are not program meetings, keeping a log of the student’s success and information on the drug/alcohol abuse, drug screenings, parental involvement, and so forth. Program meetings for all students involved in the drug and alcohol program will be held three times a month at the George Washing Carver High School Gymnasium, taking place after school for three hours from two in the afternoon to five in the evening. Buses will be supplied at all schools to transport the students to the main center at Carver High School, and then will be available to transport these students home. The staff at our meetings will include guidance counselors from every school in the district, teachers, and volunteers from the community. There will be a certified psychiatrist at every meeting to meet with students considered high-risk. If these high-risk students show signs of serious addiction or dependence, extra therapy sessions will be provided through the school district and rehabilitation options will be explored. This drug and alcohol program will be supported by the Montgomery County Department of Human Resources and Covenant Health Centers who implement the Alabama Recovery Center. Both of these state departments will ensure the success of the drug and alcohol program so the students in our community have access to the best resources. The Montgomery Department of Human Resources has social workers who will be able to meet with at-risk and high-risk children and make contact with family members on the students’ behalf. All cases of adolescent drug abuse must be referred to DHR by state law. This resource will be both beneficial for the students and the community. The Alabama Recovery Center have experienced and licensed staff that work with drug and alcohol abuse in adolescents through intensive  out-patients treatments programs (Covenant Health Centers, 2012). They provide counseling options, individual or family oriented, to best meet the required needs of the student. Their substance abuse programs consist of a 12 week intensive outpatient program that includes after care programs and custom programs working in accordance with several state departments such as DHR (Covenant Health Centers, 2012). With the Montgomery County Department of Human Resources and the Alabama Recovery Center, this new drug and alcohol program will have the support it needs to become a success to our students and the community. The positive impacts the drug and alcohol program would have on our community, schools, and school district are endless. The positive impact it would have on our community is to help adolescents that have fallen victim to drug and alcohol abuse and give them the support these students deserve. This will make sure that the children and teens in our community have a chance to a bright future to become productive citizens for this community. The positive impact this program will bring to our schools is intervention and honesty. Students can communicate with their teachers on a personal basis and let them into their private lives. This will allow the schools to become responsible concerning the essential help that is needed for at-risk students. It will give schools the chance to intervene in situations that involve drug and alcohol abuse. Schools will be the most important level where the student body can be reached to deal with the issues of peer pressure and drug/substance abuse. This program will bring positive impacts to the school district by keeping drugs and alcohol off school campuses and away from the student body. The district will observe dramatic changes in the population of students who have abused drugs and alcohol. The district will reap these rewards by becoming part of a positive change by implementing this program. The school district will see the change in students. This will raise the educational rating of the schools in the district. There are several steps necessary to implement this new drug and alcohol program. The first step is to find and receive funding for this drug and alcohol program. â€Å"The Department of Education’s Safe and Drug-Free Schools  and Communities Program (SDFSP) provide funds for virtually every school district to support drug and violence prevention programs and to assist in creating and maintaining safe learning environments† (National Drug Control Policy, 1999, para.12). This is where our source of funding will come from. Once we have received proper funding, the second step is to begin training the guidance counselors, teachers, and volunteers who will be helping this program. The third step is to inform the local community about the new drug and alcohol program to spread awareness. The fourth and final step is to present the at-risk program to the school district’s advisory board. They will make the final decision in regard to implementing the program throughout the schools in the district The drug and alcohol program involving the adolescents in our school systems is a serious concern this community needs to address. This program is planned to target at-risk students by giving them a way to recover from their substance abuse. There are over 40,000 adolescents in the state of Alabama who need help concerning drug and alcohol addiction. The schools in our district are the best ways to identify these students and reach them with kindness, caring, and help. If this district were to implement this program, the student body in the Montgomery County school district will reap essential rewards. These students will have a chance at becoming productive citizens of the community. These students will have a chance to break the substance abuse cycle and become something that we all hope our children will and can become. This drug and alcohol program can bring light into the lives of many students suffering from addiction in our community. It is our job as educators and members of this community to help and give at-risk students a chance. References Covenant Health Centers. (2012). Alabama Recovery Center. Retrieved from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. (2012). Identifying and Confronting Students At-Risk. Retrieved from Inspirations for Youth and Families. (2011). Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Teens in Alabama. Retrieved from National Drug Control Policy. (1999). Preventing Drug Abuse. Retrieved from