Friday, August 23, 2019
Why teenagers should have a curfew Research Paper
Why teenagers should have a curfew - Research Paper Example They get ample of time in the nights to enjoy and do the new things. This inclination involved many youths in midnight criminal activities. Different cities of America and other countries enforced youth curfew to curtail crime ratio and enhance youth safety. Omaha enforced first teen curfew in 1880. There are mainly two types of curfews enforced in different countries with different limitations and these are, city enforced curfew and parental curfew. Curfew did a great job in reducing crime rate, increasing youth safety and making parents more responsible in caring teenagers, importance and outcome of all these achievements be discussed below. By 2010, 500 US cities imposed curfew on under 18 teenagers prohibiting their move out in streets. Even teenagers were prohibited to move in streets or anywhere away from home on weekends. Curfews in American cities are saving teenagers from becoming unintended victim of criminals and other adult violence. Reduction in midnight juvenile crime r ate and youth victimization is the main aim of teenage curfew. New Orleans, Texas and Detroit city enforced teenage curfew and after three years observed decline of 84% in all midnight criminal activities. †status offences†laws were implemented in California resulted in reduction of 32% of midnight burglary crimes from 1978 to 1997 (Males & Macallair 1999). Most of the cities imposed penalty of 500 US dollars on juvenile appearance at public places after 11 pm. This reduced the theft, sexual abuse and shooting cases in the cities. â€Å"Comprehensive community based curfew programs†were introduced by office of juvenile justice in 1996 in America. The annual report showed great decline in youth victimization in the cities (Males & Macallair 1999). Los angles carried out comprehensive analysis from July 97 to 98. In first six months of curfew enforcement, 4810 people were arrested in 97 and produced no effect on youth crime and victimization. However, during the n ext six months, the curfew arrests cut back sharply due to decline in youth crime (Males & Macallair 1999). Teenagers are considered new comers in the outdoor life. Teenage is the stage when youths are more curious about the future and want to forget the past time. Despite knowing all the emotions, yet parents want to minimize teen exposure to outer world in order to save them from lot many problems. Teens in their early youth stage are prone to ills like Intoxication, murder, drinking, smoking, sexual abuse and criminal activities (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 152). Despite ensuring safety, curfew helps teen in understanding family life and customs. They spare more time for the activities like, religious duties, school or college work, sports and any other thing considered necessary by parents for saving the teenager from abuses of outer world. Teens also sometimes understand the importance of curfew for their safety. It is sometimes very difficult for a yo uth to get out in the streets at midnight especially the young girls cannot afford this practise too long. There have been recorded incidents of sexual attempts on the teen girls roaming around in the silent streets of California (Ruefle & Brantley 189). Therefore, at some stage of their life, they thank their parents for saving them from violence and youth offences. Teens at the age of 16 or 17 normally do not understand what parents say and with which purpose. Teens normally think that parents are taking away their freedom by restricting their life. It is very important aspect of curfew that teens are not treated as adults in American cities (Ruefle & Brantley 192). Curfew makes youths more responsible to handle life affairs when they reach adult stage. Curfew help youths to be accustomed with disciplined
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